SSD tips-tweaks-optimization-trim support-diagnostic tools-firmware
For greek press here…
…In our days, in our opinion of course, a solid state disk is essential for a home or professional computer . The differences in responce time of the programs , in comparison to the known until now discs , even of the internet surfing, will leave you speechless!
Then , whoever makes such an update to his pc , should better follow all the following settings for an even better function of those discs, to gain capacity and longevity of the disc !
Before I begin I will give you a link about what an ssd is , and how it functions. It’s very interesting . Read it : what is this … SSD ??
Those settings are general and are suitable for all types of ssd . Let’s set them up then …
– I’m writting this issue , on the pretext of the scattered information ,which is very useful , but lost in the thousands of forums’ threads , tools and settings , so as to facilitate the demanding or not users , to find it without much searching , for a more effective and healthier function of their SSD .
-You will find here websites about the famous companies’ firmwares and diagnostic tools of ssd’s , ( i’ll try to gather most of them ) .
-I won’t suggest you to buy those who are theoritically better, and I will not give you prices per GB e.t.c , each one of you can make a quick research on the web , and find the most suitable for you .
– The information that I’m going to quote is gathered from different forums , such as www.adslgr.com ( in adslgr.com I uploaded the issue in 2012 ) www.insomnia.gr , http://www.oczforum.com , http://forum.corsair.com/v3/index.php ,
-From personal and other users’ experience, the more empty your disc is, the fastest is its function .( as in common discs ) , the difference is that here it is more visible , that’s why you should choose an ssd with a big capacity , provided that you can afford it .
– I will start with some advice concerning the choice of a new ssd .
A) We create folders in other discs of our pc so that downloads from browsers do not get saved in the ssd . ex. : in disc D : we create a folder for Mozilla – IE – CHROME and for any other program that downloads something in our pc . Those settings exist in each program , which means that in each program there is a setting … save as etc
B) We don’t buy an ssd for backups because a 1TB ssd price is…. ” extraterrestrial “
C) We install our operating system and our programs in the ssd , if we also install games there’s no problem , there will be no difference , you will only spot a difference while loading .
D) A complete operating system (OS) with all the essential programs and the right settings of a middle user ,use 25-30 GB maximum in a disc , so if someone will not install games ( that recently exceed 20 GB !! ) doesn’t need more than 60 GB of disk capacity. If someone wants games or something else in the disc should choose accordingly the capacity !
E) We set in bios the sata gates in AHCL mode , which will provide the best performance to our ssd .
WARNING ! BEFORE installing the OS, it can be after installing windos 7 and windows 8 , but it is always better if we do it beforehand.
(after installation http://www.sevenforums.com)
Well , we start setting our ssd:
How can we check if the TRIM is activated ?
We run the command : fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify
Press enter
If it answers DisableDeleteNotify = 1 , it’s not enabled
If it answers DisableDeleteNotify = 0 , it’s enabled
How can we check if the trim is enabled by the ssd ?
The most simple method is via CrystalDiskInfo , via which we can see which firmware is installed and if trim support is highlighted.
After we make sure it is activated , how can we be sure it functions ?
Unfortunatelly we can’t be sure directly .
If we are impatient and we don’t want to wait and see if there will be any performance drop , a good way is to spam our disc with a 4KB random write test , and check each time if there is a performance drop .
Performance / Health tweaks:
A) Disable Defragmentation
Start -> right click on Computer -> Manage -> Services and Applications -> Services – > right click on Disk Defragmenter -> Startup type: Disabled -> OK
The defragmentation of discs is useful only in hard discs , if it is not already disabled by the OS, disabled it . The defragmentation of an ssd doesn’t serve a thing . In hard discs it played an important role because if the file was fragmented , the reading needle , had to move many times to read it .
B) Disable Indexing:
Computer -> rightclick on ssd -> properties -> Uncheck Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties -> OK
Indexing on hard discs is a very good feature as it increases the speed of research but in ssd discs it is not necessary because they already have really good seek times , while the little repeated writings, will bring the opposite results.
C) Firefox – usage of memory rather than the disc asa cache :
Open Firefox-> type (on the address bar) -> about:config -> Enter -> double click on browser.cache.disk.enable where we fix the rate as: false -> Right-Click anywhere-> New -> Integer -> Preference Name “disk.cache.memory.capacity” -> value memory size in KB. We type ex. 32768 for 32MB, 65536 for 64MB, 131072 for 128MB, etc. -> restart Firefox.
With the procession above we can avoid the short writes of Firefox on ssd , while the speed is increased .
Free up disk space:
As GB of ssd are a bit expensive , here are some advice on how to free up disk space ( concerning windows 7 OS )
A) Deactivation of page file:
Start -> Right click on computer -> Advanced System Settings -> Settings (Performance) -> Advanced Tab -> Change -> Unclick automatically manage Noagingfile -> Set -> OK -> Restart.
It is suggested for all those who have systems with >= 4GB ram because in case all ram will be used , the program will crash .
As some programs require function of the pagefile , even if they dont need it , a good solution is to orisete a small amount ( ex.300 MB ) wich will be used for this purpose .
B) Disable Hibernate (windows 7)
Run the command on cmd: powercfg -h off
Press enter
If you don’t think this feature important , you can save many GB (depending on the size of the ram memory) .
Windows 8 hibernate:
Hibernation and Hybrid Sleep utilise a hidden file called “hiberfil.sys”. Thiscan take between 50 and 100 percent of total RAM installed. It can be adjusted via an elevated Command Prompt (Administrator mode) and typing
“powercfg.exe -h size 50” (value should be set between 50 and 100):
C) Disable System Restore & delete restore points:
Start -> right click Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> System Protection Tab -> Configure -> check Turn off system protection -> click Delete -> OK
Everybody knows how important or not is the system restore .
Personally I suggest deactivation , and frequent image of the installation OS, on an external Hard disk drive , via the simple and easily used backup & restore of windows7 or windows 8
HOW TO back up (Win 7 ): http://www.sevenforums.com
HOW TO back up (Win 8 ): http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/12/using-windows-8s-hidden-backup-to-clone-and-recover-your-whole-pc/
D) Disk Cleanup:
The well known disk cleanup of windows, which cleans up temporary files which are no longer useful. We can find it by right clicking on C: –> properties
Note :
As some folders of windows such as C:Windowstemp and C:Users( costas )AppDataLocalTemp are full of temporary files which can’t be cleaned by disk cleanup , it is safe to delete them manually .
For those who don’t want to search , a little utility which does this job is the TFC (temporary file cleaner), use at your own risk.
Well these are some really simple and brief settings which will make your ssd more effective and you will have saved enough GB space.
To finish with , after we have done the above, we can achieve the best performances for our ssd and our OS by following those little steps.
For more tips press here (windows 8): http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/5464-power-plan-settings-change-windows-8-a.html
For more tips press here (windows 7): http://www.sevenforums.com
Here you will see , what you should do to see if the trim support of an ssd on a linux OS is enabled.
Now, I give you some links where you can download the latest firmware and diagnostic tools of the most important firms that produce ssd disks
SAMSUNG: http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/us/html/support/downloads.html
CORSAIR: http://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=99366 & http://forum.corsair.com/v3/forumdisplay.php?f=206
OCZ: Here & http://www.ocztechnology.com/resourc…hing_Guide.pdf
INTEL: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Deta…&DwnldID=18363
CRUCIAL: http://www.crucial.com/support/firmware.aspx
KINGSTON: http://www.kingston.com
ADATA: http://www.adata.com
Diagnostic tools:
CORSAIR: http://www.corsair.com/support/faq/solid-state-drives/
SSD LIFE: ssd life
INTEL: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Deta…&DwnldID=18455
HD Sentinel : hdsentinel
SAMSUNG: http://files.hddguru.com/download/Software/Samsung/HUTIL/
Benchmark Tools:
Below there is a benchmark test from my disks. An SSD & HHD
You will see, how big the difference is !!
Excuse me for my English !!